Source code for tutorialsPythonBasic.basic.classes.class_special_methods

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

An example using some of the Python special class methods.

from __future__ import division

[docs]def gcd(a, b): """Return the greatest common divisor of a and b. >>> gcd(2, 10) 2 >>> gcd(6, 9) 3 >>> gcd(5, 22) 1 """ if a % b == 0: return b return gcd(b, a % b)
[docs]class Fraction(object): """A simple fraction.""" def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self.y = y def __repr__(self): """A representation that can be used to directly build the same Fraction. >>> Fraction(5, 12) Fraction(5, 12) >>> Fraction(2, -3) Fraction(2, -3) """ return "Fraction({0}, {1})".format(self.x, self.y) def __str__(self): """A user-friendly representation of the Fraction. >>> print(Fraction(2, 4)) 2/4 >>> print(Fraction(-2, 4)) -2/4 >>> print(Fraction(2, -4)) -2/4 >>> print(Fraction(-2, -4)) 2/4 """ sign = '' if (self.x < 0 and not self.y < 0) or (self.y < 0 and not self.x < 0): sign = '-' return "{0}{1}/{2}".format(sign, abs(self.x), abs(self.y))
[docs] def value(self): """Returns the value of the Fraction. >>> Fraction(1, 2).value() 0.5 >>> Fraction(2, 4).value() 0.5 """ return self.x / self.y
def __lt__(self, oth): """Less then; x < y. >>> Fraction(1, 2) < Fraction(1, 3) False >>> Fraction(1, 2) < Fraction(1, 2) False >>> Fraction(-2, 5) < Fraction(2, 3) True """ return self.value() < oth.value() def __le__(self, oth): """Less or equal then; x <= y. >>> Fraction(1, 2) <= Fraction(1, 3) False >>> Fraction(1, 2) <= Fraction(1, 2) True >>> Fraction(-2, 5) <= Fraction(2, 3) True """ return self.value() <= oth.value() def __gt__(self, oth): """Greater then; x > y. >>> Fraction(1, 2) > Fraction(1, 3) True >>> Fraction(1, 2) > Fraction(1, 2) False >>> Fraction(-2, 5) > Fraction(2, 3) False """ return self.value() > oth.value() def __ge__(self, oth): """Greater or equal then; x >= y. >>> Fraction(1, 2) >= Fraction(1, 3) True >>> Fraction(1, 2) >= Fraction(1, 2) True >>> Fraction(-2, 5) >= Fraction(2, 3) False """ return self.value() >= oth.value() def __eq__(self, oth): """Equal; x == y. >>> Fraction(1, 2) == Fraction(1, 3) False >>> Fraction(1, 2) == Fraction(1, 2) True >>> Fraction(-2, 5) == Fraction(2, 3) False >>> Fraction(1, 2) == Fraction(2, 4) True """ return self.value() == oth.value() def __ne__(self, oth): """Not equal; x != y. >>> Fraction(1, 2) != Fraction(1, 3) True >>> Fraction(1, 2) != Fraction(1, 2) False >>> Fraction(-2, 5) != Fraction(2, 3) True >>> Fraction(1, 2) != Fraction(2, 4) False """ return self.value() != oth.value() def __mul__(self, oth): """Multiplication of two Fractions. >>> print(Fraction(1, 2) * Fraction(2, 5)) 1/5 >>> print(Fraction(1, 2) * Fraction(2, -5)) -1/5 >>> print(Fraction(-1, 2) * Fraction(1, -2)) 1/4 """ result = Fraction(self.x * oth.x, self.y * oth.y) result.reduce() return result def __div__(self, oth): """Division of two Fractions. >>> print(Fraction(1, 2) / Fraction(2, 10)) 5/2 >>> print(Fraction(1, 2) / Fraction(2, -5)) -5/4 >>> print(Fraction(-3, 5) / Fraction(7, -9)) 27/35 """ result = Fraction(self.x * oth.y, self.y * oth.x) result.reduce() return result def __truediv__(self, oth): """True division, used when importing division from __future__ etc.""" return self.__div__(oth) def __add__(self, oth): """Addition of two Fractions. >>> print(Fraction(1, 2) + Fraction(1, 2)) 1/1 >>> print(Fraction(3, 5) + Fraction(1, 10)) 7/10 """ x = self.x * oth.y + oth.x * self.y y = self.y * oth.y result = Fraction(x, y) result.reduce() return result def __sub__(self, oth): """Substraction of two Fractions. >>> print(Fraction(2, 3) - Fraction(1, 3)) 1/3 >>> print(Fraction(8, 6) - Fraction(2, 3)) 2/3 """ x = self.x * oth.y - oth.x * self.y y = self.y * oth.y result = Fraction(x, y) result.reduce() return result
[docs] def reduce(self): """Reduce the fraction. >>> frac = Fraction(2, 4) >>> frac.reduce() >>> print(frac) 1/2 >>> frac = Fraction(5, 8) >>> frac.reduce() >>> print(frac) 5/8 >>> frac = Fraction(-6, 9) >>> frac.reduce() >>> print(frac) -2/3 """ divisor = gcd(self.x, self.y) self.x //= divisor self.y //= divisor
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()